Here’s an overview of basic equipment needed for a cave exploration trip in the Northeastern USA. We’ve also created a simpler version as a checklist for those just getting started.
A sturdy rock-climbing type helmet is ideal – light, thin, comfortable, with a 4 point suspension that will stay on in a fall, a sturdy chin strap that can be easily disconnected, and safe for mounting brackets and battery packs. Construction type helmets are acceptable but almost always need an improved suspension to keep them from falling off when struck from behind (common in falls).
Soft bicycle helmets not acceptable – they can be severely damaged by a single hard blow.
Boston Grotto maintains a cache of loaner helmets.

Headlamp mounted to helmet
A variety of lamp styles are available at many price levels. Trade-offs involve initial cost, per-hour cost, weight, convenience, durability and water resistance. The advent of high-powered LED based headlights has helped lights become brighter, less expensive to operate and even more durable. As a general guide, pay special attention to water resistance and durability for Northeastern caves.
Helmet mounting is usually accomplished by a system of straps and/or brackets firmly attached to the helmet. Nearly all cavers now use an LED lighting system, some old-timers still use carbide/acetylene miner’s cap lamps. This usage has diminished in recent years, due to the restrictions on shipping carbide through the mail. The Boston Grotto has, at times, also organized “historical” carbide-only trips.
The Grotto has about a dozen helmet/light combinations that beginners can borrow for a nominal upkeep fee. These require 4 AA batteries, so be sure to bring a package of fresh Alkaline batteries and two extra sources of light.
Equipment pack
A small pack is needed to carry your spare lights, batteries, food, water, extra clothing, and repair parts. Backpacks are popular, but tend to catch on the ceiling in low passages. Large fanny packs are better, but must be rugged. Easy buckling and unbuckling is a plus, since you frequently need to remove your pack to crawl through a small passageway.
Extra lights
A minimum of 3 working light sources is essential for safety on a Northeastern cave trip. Lights can and do break during exploration; three lights ensures adequate backup systems are in place as contingencies. Some cavers mount a second lamp to their helmet to allow an instant spare – or a focused light beam – to be ready in case the primary light goes out. In addition, you should carry enough batteries to last at least twice your expected trip length. Spare lamp bulbs are also necessary for incandescent systems.
Sturdy boots
Paved trails are essentially non-existent in Northeastern USA caves. More common is a jumble of broken rocks, with mud and water covering them. In these conditions, sturdy boots with deep lug soles and good ankle support are essential. Good quality hiking boots are commonly used, as are work boots. Assume they will get soaking wet, and prepare them accordingly. British style “Wellington” knee-high rubber boots are gaining in popularity.
Warm clothes
Exposure to cold and wet conditions are the greatest problem to overcome in Northeastern caving areas. Unfortunately, most people’s first choice in rugged clothing, blue jeans, are very poor performers in these conditions. They soak up the cold water instantly, and are not warm when wet. Since most Northeastern caves are wet, cotton clothing is not a good choice as it gets and stays wet and does not insulate. The less cotton, the better (this rule applies even to underwear).
Beginners often wear fleece, wool or polypro layers or coveralls. Inexpensive clothing can be found at Goodwill and other re-use centers.
Experienced cavers usually purchase a dedicated set of coveralls made specifically for caving. A thin wool, poly pro, or pile hat is very effective at retaining body heat.
Expect that any clothes you wear caving will become so impregnated with mud that it will be impossible to wear them for any other purpose.
Sturdy gloves are also essential, and a wide variety of styles are acceptable. Once again, avoid cotton. Look for a good fit, and a sturdy palm. Leather gloves work well and so do heavy-duty rubber gloves.
Use synthetic and wool socks to keep your feet warm in cold water – once again, avoid cotton. Inexpensive wool socks can be purchased online or in some thrift stores. You can also use neoprene “dive” socks, available online or used, from Facebook Marketplace and other sources. You may need a different shoe size when wearing them.
Food and Water
For an extended caving trip, you will need to bring food to keep up your energy level and water to keep hydrated. Even after a big breakfast, the constant exertion and cold conditions combine to draw down your reserves in a few hours. And dehydration can lead to shivering even if the cave air is dry. Bring good food that you will eat, packed in a robust container, such as Tupperware. Granola Bars, GORP, Power Bars and Clif Bars are popular caving food. Plan to drink at least a pint of water every 2 hours, since dehydration is a major cause of hypothermia and exposure problems.