About the Boston Grotto

The Boston Grotto is a chartered internal organization of the National Speleological Society (NSS). It was founded in 1952 for the purpose of promoting exploration, conservation, scientific study, and social activities in and about caves.

Current officers:

Chair – Dave Crusoe
Vice Chair – Aiden Lewis
Treasurer – Rich Lester
Secretary – Kristina Johnson
Trip Chair – Isaac Gellegos

The grotto holds regular meetings, on the first Wednesday of each month, generally at on the campus of MIT. See our calendar for details.

The grotto sponsors caving trips every month, to Northeastern locations as well as other U.S. caving areas and even other countries on occasion. Typical cave trip activities include: Training, Photography, Surveying, Exploration, Geological Study, Biological Study, Rescue Practice, and Rope work Practice.

Most months, during good weather, available trips include novice caver training trips, so that beginners can learn safe practices.